
Monday, 26 August 2019

rocky shore habitats

we had to do habitats of splash zone and high zone and mid zone and splash zone. the top zone only gets water from the waves and the rain and the creatures are barnacles are found splash zone. high zone. means like the splash zone only gets some water and lots of waves . crabs . cushion starfish. and limpets can be found here. mid zone. this gets uncovered twice a day when there is high tide otherwise it is covered in water. big starfish . Chitons and crabs . low zone. is always underwater so the creatures that need to always have water live here. sea cucumbers . small fish  kina sea horses and seaweed  can be found here .

Friday, 23 August 2019

Family of fact week 5

task description : today we did family of  facts about time tables and it was fun.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Family of facts

WALT: solve problems using fractions and division.
today me and my class were doing our times tables.