
Thursday, 8 July 2021

flash back of term 2

 ki ora my name is lorenzo and this is my flash back of the whole of term 2. on week 3 we had the best year 8 camp it was funny and very painful. well start with camp first we woke 7:00 in the morning then we went in this big bus then 2 hours and 30 minutes later we got there it looked small at first but when you look at the back its very big they said there are fun actives the first activey we did was AXE THROWING! it was cool at first but when you thorw it its use less but it was still fun but we finish that then there was this huge court but i stayed upstaties chillin but then went down then went back up then we had diner then watched a movie then went to sleep. and thats all if i keep going you woud get bored. then we have fiafia i was in the tongan boys it was funny but serious at the same time then the day came and we were 2nd to last but it was worth it. then the disco the disco was like a party they and fruit snacks but got boring but yea that was the whole of term 2 and thank you for reading this whole intire thing your probuly asleeping and bye.