
Wednesday, 3 March 2021

how to be a good brother or sister recount

 Intro talofa lava malo eleli and hi i am lorenzo this a recount about how to be a good brother or sister hope you enjoy.


Info  to be a good brother or sister you can help them with their chores and help them clean the bed of your entire room and help them do the dishes and you do that all in teamwork.


Info other reasons why to be a good brother or sister. You can encourage them like if they're playing a rugby game you can cheer them up or if they're playing a video game and they're about to win you always encourage them.


Info and other other reasons to be a good brother or sister.  If you have lollies and your brother or sister doesn't you can always share with them to make them happy and safe.

Con  you can do teamwork together by helping one another and you could be in a team with them and get some tries and help each other . and when you're in the same team you could always hype them up so you could get most of the tries and just make them happy and encouraged. And you always got to share the ball with them so it could all be fair and just have a good day so you dont fight so thats why we always share with or brothers and sisters and i hope enjoyed my hard work recount bye bye.

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